Kyia Haebig

About Kyia

When did you begin training at inFIT?

What do you enjoy most about teaching?
Connecting with participants! I love working hard, laughing and feeling better leaving class than I did coming in and that is my goal for anyone taking my class.

What can we expect to hear on your playlist?

Pop, Country, Hip Hop, Piano Covers

Why do you work out?

I try to stay strong, healthy and flexible. Yoga invigorates my body and mind, which is much needed as a full time working mom of 2 active kids. I LOVE dance. I have been a dancer and/or taught dance in some capacity since the early 80’s! I also love to run – especially if I am training for a race with friends. Motivating others and seeing their joy, progress and pride in themselves fills my cup!!

What’ is a mantra you love?

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.” -Sakyong Mipham

Do you have a special skill or talent people may not know about?
I am an employee benefits broker by day, but decent at interior home painting and cutting my husband’s and son’s hair.

What are three things on your bucket list?

  1. Visiting Norway (I am allegedly 100% Norwegian)
  2. Buying an RV and traveling our beautiful country
  3. Attending a yoga retreat in Costa Rica

Describe your teaching style:



  • Group Exercise Instructor (NETA)
  • Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology/Exercise Management
  • CPR & AED


Upcoming Classes with Kyia