Mark Anderson

mark anderson

About Mark

When did you begin training at inFIT?

What do you enjoy most about training?
Watching people push towards their goals and the atmosphere that creates for the whole gym!

What can we expect to hear on your playlist?

A bit of everything—but mostly hard rock! I encourage people to send me their playlists!

Why do you work out?

To be able to do basic things in life without feeling tired or sore. To be stronger daily. To able to do activities like biking, pickleball, tennis etc. and feel good the next day!

What’ll we hear you say to encourage us during training?

“You can do anything in 10 seconds!”

Do you have a special skill or talent people may not know about?
Ping Pong & Pickleball Passion

What are three things on your bucket list?

  1. Meet Carrie Underwood
  2. Watch as my lottery ticket hits the big win!
  3. Strength & Conditioning employee of the Minnesota Twins

Describe your training style:



  • Personal Trainer (NETA)
  • Kettlebell (NETA)
  • TRX Certified
  • Plyometric Training (IFPA)
  • CPR & AED


Want to work with Mark?

Contact us today to get more information about training with Mark.

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