Have some fun when you attend classes or training this month and be entered to win prizes! Complete 5 squares in a row, straight or diagonal. Every row completed is another entry into the drawing. Blackout your card and earn inFIT swag!
How to play:
One activity per square. Ex: if you do a livestream kickboxing class, initial kickboxing OR livestream. Not both.
You must complete at least 5 squares in a row to be entered into the drawing, straight or diagonal.
For non-class challenges, you must post a picture of yourself on social media doing the activity. Email if you do not have social media
Kickboxing may include: BOX45, Box & Tone, KickButt, or any other type of kickbox class
Yoga may include yoga flow, yin yoga 36 Salutations, etc.
Strength Class may be Group Strength, Simply Strength, Ripped Up, etc.
Cardio Class may be Boot Camp, Cardio Mix, Kickboxing, Spin, etc
Instructor will initial your square for in-person classes. You will initial square for livestream classes.
Challenge ends March 31, 2024.
Turn in your completed card to the office by April 3rd, 2024 (slide under door if office is closed).
Pick up your bingo card at the gym to get started!